As you may know, the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) has converted several of its public housing sites under the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program. This has provided us with the opportunity to make major renovations and improvements through private investment. The properties that were selected for Phases I and II of HABC’s RAD conversions consisted mainly of our mixed-population buildings.
To date, 17 RAD renovations are currently underway or have been completed, including The Ellerslie, The Brentwood, Bernard E. Mason, Hollins House, the Wyman House, Pleasant View Gardens (senior building), Pleasant View Gardens Townhomes, Hillside, Lexington Terraces, Primrose Place, Bel Park Tower, Lakeview Towers, Broadway Overlook, Govans Manor, Chase House, McCulloh Homes Extension and the Allendale.
HABC recently received notice from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that the agency can submit applications for additional site conversions under RAD. After submitting the applications, HABC expects to receive approval from HUD to begin implementation of the RAD Phase III Conversion Project (RAD III Project).
HABC will be seeking to convert nine sites as part of the RAD III Project. The entire RAD III Project will occur in several phases over the next 2 to 8 years. Over the next 2 to 3 years, the following sites are expected to convert: Rosemont, Dukeland, Carey House, Laurens House, Oswego Mall, and Shipley Hills. HABC expects Perkins Homes, Poe Homes and McCulloh Homes to be converted under the RAD III Project within the next 6 to 8 years.
In the spirit of fulfilling the 4 Cs of HABC - Community, Customer Service, Collaboration, and Communication - we will provide periodic updates to keep you informed.