Housing Authority of Baltimore City Provided $175 Million to Help Fight Homelessness
Programs over last five years assist homeless programs and help find housing
BALTIMORE | March 7, 2023 – In supporting Baltimore City’s efforts to fight homelessness, the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) announced it has provided more than $175 million of assistance over the last five years to programs designed to help the homeless.
The dedicated funding has supported several housing voucher programs administered by HABC, including the Housing Choice Voucher Program, Emergency Housing, Re-Entry, Veterans, Fair Share, and many others.
“We appreciate Baltimore City and congratulate them for their efforts to assi st HABC. We design and support programs that can make an immediate impact on the huge issue of homelessness in our city,” said Janet Abrahams, HABC’s President and CEO. “We work closely with the city and our federal housing partners to identify housing opportunities to chronically homeless families. We also dedicate funding to help with educational and information services to help them maintain their housing stability to become economically and socially mobile.”
HABC has been in partnership with the Mayo r’s Office since 2007 to support homeless programs and to provide voucher subsidy to qualifying homeless applicants. More than 1,800 housing opportunities have been provided. The current programs designed to provide rental assistance to applicants and the number of vouchers provided include:
Program |
# of Vouchers Provided |
Homeless Set-Asides | 650 |
Emergency Housing Vouchers | 278 |
Re-Entry | 250 |
PB Homeless RFP | 230 |
Family Unification Program | 174 |
Mainstream Vouchers | 116 |
Fair Share Vouchers | 70 |
Homeless Set-Asides for Families with Children | 50 |
NED Category II | 40 |
PB Veterans RFP | 19 |
“Along with providing high-quality housing, most importantly, we are creating new education, recreation and economic opportunities that will connect residents to the tools they need to achieve their personal goals,” said Abrahams.
HABC currently serves 17,746 total households across its voucher programs.
To learn more about HABC’s efforts to help Baltimore City fight homelessness, visit https:// .
About HABC
HABC is the fifth largest public housing authority in the U.S., providing quality affordable housing for more than 23,000 households. The agency creates diverse and vibrant communities, provides opportunities for self-sufficiency, and builds pathways for strong partnerships. #bmoreHABC