HABC President and CEO Janet Abrahams named to Council of Large Public Housing Authorities Board
Her goal is to use position to seek changes in HUD policy to develop more affordable housing in Baltimore
(BALTIMORE | May 19, 2022) – Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) President and CEO Janet Abrahams says she plans to use her new position on the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) board of directors to advocate more strongly for changes to HUD policy that would lead to the creation of more low- to moderate-income housing in Baltimore. (HUD is the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.)
Abrahams was recently appointed to CLPHA’s 15-member board. CLPHA is the nation’s premier advocacy group for large public housing authorities.
“My goal is to have HUD look at the broader picture and see some legislative changes so that we can revitalize these neighborhoods, ” Abrahams said. “We want to create areas of opportunities where our families already live”.
Abrahams feels that being on CLPHA’s board will help her team up with housing authorities with similar challenges. CLPHA is a non-profit organization that works to preserve and improve public and affordable housing through advocacy, research, policy analysis, and public education.
“Members of the board have a great depth of knowledge in different aspects of housing, so it will be helpful for me to be among them to exchange ideas of best practices,” Abrahams noted. “They noticed the innovative work we are doing here in Baltimore with our PSO transformation as well as other aspects of our agency turnaround and felt we could contribute by showing what can be accomplished, especially with HUD’s support. It’s flattering that others are noticing our advances in public housing. I am excited to be on this board!”
CLPHA’s membership includes 70 of the largest and most innovative public housing authorities across the country. The organization believes housing authorities are foundational to improving outcomes around housing, families, individuals, and communities.
About HABC
HABC is the fifth largest public housing authority in the U.S., providing quality affordable housing for more than 23,000 households. The agency creates diverse and vibrant communities, provides opportunities for self-sufficiency, and builds pathways for strong partnerships. #bmoreHABC