Last Fall the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) announced that the agency received a $1.3 million Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant from the U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to develop a transformation plan for Poe Homes and the Poppleton/Hollins Market neighborhood.
On May 9th, HABC shared a presentation of the analysis from EJP Consulting Group, LLC, of the collective data and interviews conducted in the Transform Poe planning study.
Among the 60 attendees present, representation included the residents of Poe Homes, Poppleton, Hollins Roundhouse and Union Square to name a few neighborhoods, as well as business owners from the West Baltimore Street corridor and representatives from anchor institutions such as the University of Maryland Biopark, University of Maryland, Baltimore, State and local government.
The recent meeting was the first of several presentations about what has been learned in the last six months of listening to residents and other stakeholders. This includes researching the planning study area bounded by MLK Boulevard, Pratt, Carey and Mulberry Streets.
As a result of this data and research a town-hall style meeting is being planned for late Spring. In the upcoming meeting data from the May 9th meeting will be revisited as well as an analysis from the surveys administered to Poe Homes residents for the first time.
“Our goal is to attract new participants to the Task Forces and working groups of the Transform Poe planning process, especially residents” shares Brian Greenan, the CN Manager of Transform POE.