2023 Accomplishments Report - A Look Back (2017-2024)


Brooklyn Homes After Action Report

The Scott Administration requested all departments and agencies that have been involved with the July 2, 2023, Brooklyn Homes mass shooting to provide an assessment of actions and responses since the incident occurred.

Final 2020 Fair Housing Analysis

HABC collaborated with a group of six local governments, five public housing authorities (PHAs), and the Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) to complete the 2020 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice in the Baltimore Region (AI). The analysis includes a considerable amount of data and input from a series of regional and local stakeholder meetings and a resident survey.  It also includes action steps to be taken by the participants regionally and in their specific jurisdictions.  Click on this link to read the Analysis.

You can click here to view the full 2020 fair housing analysis on the BMC website. This analysis uses data from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and other sources to identify impediments to housing choice for populations protected under the Fair Housing Act and proposed action steps to be incorporated into jurisdictional Consolidated Plans and PHA plans that begin July 1, 2020.

If you have any questions specific to HABC, please contact Stephenie Horton at Stephenie.Horton@habc.org.

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