You're in the right place and we are here to help you learn more about the Housing Choice Voucher Program Owner Portal! We have heard your concerns and have turned that feedback into a new and improved service experience.


This portal experience has been streamlined to create a secure, convenient way for landlords to conduct business. Some of the features you can expect include:

  • Submissions of Request for Tenancy Approval Forms (RTFAs)
  • Electronic Inspections Results & Notifications
  • Track Moves - For owners to track the different steps in the process
  • Submit rent increase requests
  • Automated Inspections Reminders
  • Download forms and Submit Documents
  • Direct Deposit Changes


You will need the following to get started with the registration process:

  • Owner Entity ID
  • Current email address


  • All Request for Tenancy Forms (RFTA), Ownership Changes, and Rent Increase requests must be submitted through the Owner Portal
  • Please ensure email address and phone numbers are updated through the Portal
  • The current landlord portal will no longer be accessible after June 30, 2024

Why should landlords participate in HCVP?

Committed property owners and managers such as you provide valuable housing opportunities for qualified families. Participation in the HCVP (formerly known as Section 8) is mutually beneficial.

The participant benefits by finding quality affordable housing in the City of Baltimore. The landlord benefits by receiving monthly Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) through direct deposit from HABC.

What are some other benefits of renting to a family with a Housing Choice Voucher?

  • You will be afforded an opportunity to list your property using the free online listing service, which is administered by an independent company not affiliated with HABC.
  • Pre-screened tenants - all families are subject to a criminal background check. However, landlords are strongly encouraged to screen participants as they would an unassisted tenant.
  • You are protected from financial loss if the participant suffers unexpected financial hardship. Once the participant reports a change in income along with all supporting documentation, HCVP will conduct a reexamination of the households income. Once verified, the subsidy payment is increased to compensate for the participant's decrease in income.

Working together, we can help provide quality housing opportunities to qualified families in Baltimore City!